Alphington Primary School

Partners in Learning

An effective school is one where teachers and parents work together for the benefit of children. 

Parent involvement enables each child to practice and celebrate their learning, which is crucial to success.


Download the current APS Newsletter and access past newsletters through the archive below.
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There are a variety of ways in which parents are welcome to be involved and partner with the school.
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Uniforms identify the students who attend Alphington Primary School and give our children a sense of belonging. While the wearing of the uniform is not compulsory, families are encouraged to take advantage of the uniform option.
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Throughout the year the Year 6 Canteen Action Team will open the canteen. This is not year round however dates will be advertised in the newsletter. All items are priced between 50c and $2.

Our lunch orders are all provided by Classroom Cuisine who deliver the lunch orders in cooler boxes every day except Tuesdays. Please go to to register and also to make your order. Please note orders are to be finalised by 8.30am to ensure they come that day.

Out of School Hours Care

APS offers before and after school care through our proud partnership with Their Care who uses our grounds.

For more information on how to register and enrol your child into Their Care, see below: Please call on 0491278574 or visit the website – TheirCare | Where Kids Love To Be


Alphington Primary School develops policies which aim to build an inclusive and respectful school community, communicate important issues transparently and establish a framework for good decision-making for common school-based issues.
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